Make this kind resolution if you want magical, unexplainable results. Works for New Year’s or Valentines or whatever occasion you want.

This Resolution is based on neuroscience. More accurately it is a New Reality. Your New Reality.

We will be creating this new reality for ourselves using the way our brain works.  Creating this new future works like this: 

We Create a Future and add emotion. The stronger the emotion the better. That is what programs our brains. 

Here is the video version on YT:

Our brain literally sorts through the current reality we are living in and selects from it, those things like notions, ideas, opportunities, actions, etc. that it will act upon to fulfill on our created future.

More rigorously said, the current reality is created by the brain. Then our brain selects from the reality it is creating, the things that it will use to fulfill on the future you have created. 

Here is how it’s done.

Collect a series of pictures. Approximately 3 to 20 images. For example, one of mine is below. Assemble them together in some way that you will see them every day several times a day. Like a screensaver or printed picture placed on your bathroom mirror or above your bed on the ceiling. Someplace where you will see it frequently. 

When you look at this collage, you will experience emotions. And those emotions will program your brain.  It is critical that the future captured by the images is inspiring, touching, moving. (You could experiment using negative emotions, theoretically, that would work as well.)

That’s it. No lists. No promises. No ‘resolutions’. Have fun. Have a collage party to do this New Years, Valentines, or anytime.

Post your collage on as many social media sites as possible. Share widely for maximum impact.

Here is one of mine from years ago, everything has come into reality.

Our brains create its reality and select from that reality actions that you will take up to 10 seconds before you are aware that you are in motion. That we decide and then act is an illusion. We act, then we tell a story about why we did it. Including reasons like: “I decided to …” which is why we think we decide and then act.

If you look at our evolution, our brain is wired to take action before thought (analyses) occurs. Imagine a saber tooth tiger is charging us. If you did a lot of wondering if it’s a nice kitty, and whether you should pet it. .. developing an analytical, action plan, decision tree before deciding to run, you would have been lunch. It just takes too long to do the thinking and analyses. 

Our brain acts, then we think. Those who “thought it through”  then acted: their genetic pool is extinct. Your brain is programmed to get the heck outta there, then think about it later.

The mechanism is debated intensely in neuroscience and philosophy. Let’s prove it (or not).  So far it’s worked for me. You are invited to send me your collage to Also, let me know if you want me to share your collage. X-rated won’t be shared.

Then let me know what you got next year. You may receive an email from me asking how it went.  Results will be published and you will be notified of the results. 

This may become part of a PhD thesis. You will not be identified by name or email.

Check out Unaccounted ways realities work here. And Rules for Reality.